Holtgraver Will Join All Stars at Atomic on Saturday!

(PHOTO: Phoenix Racing’s ‘59’ on display in the Florida sun before action earlier this season – JMS Photo Credit)

Holtgraver Will Join All Stars at Atomic on Saturday!
Searching for Career First Victory in Chillicothe

By Fully Injected Motorsports:

Pittsburgh, PA (March 23rd, 2015) – Danny Holtgraver and Phoenix Racing will continue their 2015 campaign this Saturday evening, March 28th at the Atomic Speedway near Chillicothe, Ohio. The Phoenix Racing, Bonnell’s Rod Shop, DKW Transport, Auto Electric of Jupiter, Florida, ‘59’ team will rejoin the recently rejuvenated UNOH All Star Circuit of Champions on March 28th; attempting to pocket the $10,000 pay day up for grabs during the series’ first point race of 2015. Holtgraver, a three-time UNOH All Star main event winner in 2014, will hunt for his first victory of the new year on Saturday night, as well as his first victory since joining the Phoenix Racing operation.

“We are way overdue” said Holtgraver, “We are way overdue for a win…if we keep working hard, they will come; it just takes time…we learned a lot while we were in Florida and that will benefit us the rest of the season…Tom and Sherry Leidig gave me a great opportunity to drive for Phoenix Racing…they allow me to do what I love to do every single weekend, and I can’t thank them enough for that…we’ll head into the weekend with a positive attitude and work towards our first win together.”

Saturday’s event at Atomic Speedway will be Holtgraver’s sixth start with ‘America’s Series’ in 2015. The Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania native joined the All Star Circuit of Champions for five events during ‘Florida speedweeks’ earlier this season; resulting in one top-five and two top-ten finishes. Holtgraver made appearances with the UNOH All Stars at the Bubba Raceway Park near Ocala, Florida, and at the Volusia Speedway Park near Barberville, Florida. All five Florida events were non-point races.

“We raced a lot in Florida but we’ve had a long break since then…we are ready to get back to work” said Holtgraver, “I’m excited to get back to Atomic…it’s a fun bullring that I am pretty familiar with…I always seem to run pretty good there…with ten grand on the line this weekend, and All Star points officially starting, there will be some added pressure on Saturday…our plan is to not let that interfere…we work as hard as we can each and every night we sign in…we are going to use what we’ve learned so far this year and try to get this ‘59’ up front.”

Those interested in learning more about the upcoming UNOH All Star Circuit of Champions event at the Atomic Speedway this Saturday can do so by logging on to www.atomicspeedway.net.

News and information relating to Danny Holtgraver and Phoenix Racing will be posted regularly right here at ‘FullyInjected.com’ during their entire campaign. Be sure to check out the official online home of Danny Holtgraver at www.dannyholtgraver.com; as well as keep up with the Pittsburgh native via social networking including twitter: @holtgraverd4 and facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DannyHoltgraverMotorsports


2015 Highlights – Earned three consecutive Top-Ten finishes with the All Star Circuit of Champions at the Bubba Raceway Park on February 6th, 7th & 8th.

2015 Wins: 0

Danny Holtgraver on YouTube: Here!


Danny Holtgraver and Phoenix Racing would like to thank all of their marketing partners including: Auto Electric of Jupiter, Florida, Southern Pacific Farms, Momentum Shocks and Work Room to the Trade.

Danny Holtgraver would like to thank all of his marketing partners including: Bonnell’s Rod Shop, Alternative Power Sources, WestView Motors, DKW Transport, North Hills Auto Body, Butler Built, Winters Rearends, J&J Chassis, VRP Shocks, Classic Ink, Simpson Racing and ‘FullyInjected.com’


About Fully Injected Motorsports: Headquartered in Western Pennsylvania, Fully Injected Motorsports provides professional grade press releases to multiple short track teams from all areas of the country.

Contact: altmeyer119@gmail.com / info@fullyinjected.com / www.fullyinjected.com
Twitter: @FI_Motorsports

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