NDRL’s McKean County Raceway Announces 2014 Schedule of Events!


For Immediate Release:
The NDRL’s McKean County Raceway
NDRL’s McKean County Raceway Announces 2014 Schedule of Events!

East Smethport, PA (December 30, 2013) The National Dirt Racing League is proud to announce the 2014 schedule for NDRL’s McKean County Raceway in East Smethport, PA. A predominant Saturday night schedule of events is planned for the upcoming season, that will see weekly action for the NDRL super late models, RUSH sanctioned crate late models, modifeds (Emods), stock cars, pure stocks and mini stocks.

“I am very excited in what we have in store for the 2014”, stated McKean County Raceway general manager, Chris Zuver. “We kick our season off a week earlier than ever before with a practice night on Friday, April 18 followed by a full racing program the next night.” “We have special events spread throughout the season which will conclude with the all-new Fall Classic being moved to Columbus weekend in October.”

John Kennedy, owner of the National Dirt Racing League, stated the following, “This is our second season and I think our schedule has something for everyone. We are having a Full Pull Production, sanctioned Tractor Pull on Saturday, July 5 along with celebrating the life of Medal of Honor recipient, USMC Corporal Jason Dunham Memorial for the NDRL Northeast Late Model Series on 4th of July. The NDRL ‘Kings of Dirt’ National touring series makes its first appearance to MCR on July 31 through August 2nd for the Connor Bobik Memorial weekend that will see one driver possibly winning $20,000, plus sprint cars, 358 modifieds, the return of the Stephanie Eckl Memorial and concluding our season with the 9th annual Fall Classic in part of the Jim Butler Memorial weekend and this event will also be a NDRL national touring series event that will see racers from South Carolina, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Iowa and elsewhere on hand for this event.”

The NDRL is working on its first year of a new five year lease with the McKean County Fair Board, with close to 30 dates being on 2014 schedule. New clay has been located and the new surface will be put into place in early spring. The 2013 McKean County Raceway awards banquet will be on Saturday, March 1 at the Eldred Township Fire Hall in Eldred, PA, full banquet details will be announced in the very near future.

2014 Schedule
*Schedule Tentative and Subject to Change*
Fri, April 18:
Open Practice All Divisions
Sat, April: 19:
‘Spring Classic’ – Super 6 Regular Show
Sat, April 26:
Super Late Models ‘Jim Duffy Memorial’ Plus Super 6 Regular Show (Points Begin)
Sat, May 3:
Super 6 Regular Show
Sat, May 10:
Super 6 Regular Show
Sat, May 17:
Super 6 Regular Show
Sat, May 24:
‘Patriot Sprints’ plus Super 6 Regular Show (6:30pm Start)
Sat, May 31:
Super 6 Regular Show
Fri, June 6:
Super 6 Regular Show
Sat, June 14:
Super Late Models ‘Dave Lundgren Memorial’ plus Super 6 Regular Show
Sat, June 21:
Super 6 Regular Show
Sat, June 28:
Super 6 Regular Show plus ‘Matt Wheeler Memorial’ for Mini-Stocks
Fri, July 4:
NDRL Northeast Late Models ‘USMC Corporal Jason Dunham Memorial’ plus Super 6 Regular Show and FIREWORKS!
Sat, July 5:
Full Pull Productions Tractor Pull 2:00pm Start plus Enduro at 7:00pm andFIREWORKS!
Sat, July 12:
‘Bill Bigley Memorial’ for Crate Late Models plus Super 6 Regular Show
Sat, July 19
Super 6 Regular Show
Fri, July 25:
Super 6 Regular Show
Connor Bobik Memorial
Thu, July 31:
Mini Stocks, Pure Stocks plus Open Practice all classes Including NDRL King of Hill
Fri, August 1:
NDRL National Series ‘Kings of Dirt’ $5,000 to-win (Other Classes TBA)
Sat, August 2:
NDRL National Series ‘Kings of Dirt’ $12,500 to-win (Other Classes TBA)
Thur, August 14:
Fair Board Race – RUSH Touring Series
Fri, August 29:
Super 6 Regular Show – CHAMPIONSHIP NIGHT!
Sat, August 30:
RUSH Manufacturer Night, Patriot Sprints and Super 6 Regular Show 6:30 Start
Sat, Sept 6:
Non-Winners Night for Crates and Modifieds, Regular Show for Mini & Pure Stocks
Fri, Sept 12:
September Shootout! 358 Modifieds, Crates, Stocks, Mini & Pure Stocks plus TBA
Sat, Sept 20:
NDRL Northeast Late Models 10th Annual ‘Stephanie Eckl Memorial’ plus Super 6 Regular Show
9th Annual Jim Butler Memorial Fall Classic
Thu, Oct 9:
NDRL National Series ‘Kings of Dirt’ $5,000 to-win (Other Classes TBA)
Fri, Oct 10:
NDRL National Series ‘Kings of Dirt’ $5,000 to-win (Other Classes TBA)
Sat, Oct 11:
NDRL National Series ‘Kings of Dirt’ $10,000 to-win (Other Classes TBA)

A full printable schedule is available at www.mckeancountyraceway.com/schedule.html.

For more information on the NDRL’s McKean County Raceway please visit www.mckeancountyraceway.com.

Like the National Dirt Racing League and the NDRL’s McKean County Raceway on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NationalDirtRacingLeague or www.facebook.com/NDRLMckeanCountyRaceway and follow the NDRL on Twitter at @The_NDRL.