Scott Priester Joins our Brigade! New FI Merch Soon!

With time comes experience, and Scott Priester certainly has that. The 25 year sprint car veteran jumps on board with us here at Fully Injected to become the fifth member of our exclusive club. Sure, this isn’t the Phoenix or the Priscillian that Harvard University makes so famous; but we are getting close! Scott has been a regular at the Lernerville Speedway in Sarver, Pennsylvania  for as long as I can remember; as well as being a competitor at other various western Pennsylvania racetracks.

Photo by Cory Stivason

Scott’s 2011 plans will include being the full time pilot of the famous purple and pink Dionise number 15. He will be racing at Mercer Raceway Park on a regular basis in that ride; as well as competing at some other select events in his own familiar red, MetPlas, number 11.

Also, new merch being added to the inventory in the coming days. New flex fit “flat bill” caps will be available soon in black and white; also- new shirt design will be released this weekend. The design has some influence from a previous artwork that was posted on Fully Injected’s Facebook page in the previous months.

Thanks for stopping by; and as always – RACE OPEN WHEEL!