Zearfoss Eager for Outlaws Invasion at Port Royal Speedway

(Photo: Brock Zearfoss on the gas at Port Royal Speedway earlier this season – WRT Speedwerx Photo Credit)

Zearfoss Eager for Outlaws Invasion at Port Royal Speedway
Hopes to Upset National Travelers for $10,000 Payday

By Fully Injected Motorsports:

Jonestown, PA (October 20, 2015) – Brock Zearfoss joined the World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series and “Pennsylvania Posse” at Port Royal Speedway’s “Speed Palace” in 2014 and finished 12th during main event competition, bettering three positions after starting 15th on the main event grid. The “Jonestown Jet” will have an opportunity to outdo last year’s performance this Saturday evening, October 24, as the “Greatest Show On Dirt” prepares for an appearance in Port Royal, Pennsylvania,  during their final “Posse Country” invasion of the 2015 season. Zearfoss, a recent podium finisher against the UNOH All Star Circuit of Champions at Port Royal Speedway during the Night Before The 50, is no stranger to high profile events in the “Keystone State,” and hopes to upset the World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series this Saturday night for a five-digit payday.

“We’ve been looking forward to this since last October” said Brock Zearfoss, “We are proud of our results from last year, but I think we still have room to improve. The car quality and level of competition will be high, but we’ve been pretty good at Port Royal this year so that gives us a little extra confidence. If we hit our marks and qualify well, we can put ourselves in a great position for the rest of the night. We’ll do whatever we have to do on Saturday to make something happen.”

Unfortunately, Zearfoss will be lacking momentum when the World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series invades the Juniata County Fairgrounds on Saturday evening. The Jonestown, Pennsylvania, native lost an entire weekend of competition on Saturday, October 17, and Sunday, October 18, due to Mother Nature, including Port Royal Speedway’s World of Outlaws “Tune-Up.”

Fans can keep up with Brock Zearfoss during his entire 2015 racing campaign – right here at www.fullyinjected.com, or at www.brockzearfoss.com. Be sure ‘follow’ the ‘Jonestown Jet’ on all of the available social networks including Twitter: https://twitter.com/brock_zearfoss and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brockzearfossracing


Recent Highlights: Earned podium finish during Port Royal Speedway “Night Before The 50” on Friday, September 11.

2015 Wins: N/A


Brock Zearfoss would like to thank all of his marketing partners including: Moose’s LZ Bar and Grill, Central Builders Supply, Leach’s Automotive Service, Meckley’s Limestone, JP Donmoyer Trucking, Masters Mechanical Insulation, Berkebile Oil Company, Stoner Solutions, Farmer’s Wife Restaurant, Simpson Race Products, Fully Injected Motorsports, Rob Peters Motorsports Shock and Bar Services, Looks Like Gold Salon


About Fully Injected Motorsports: Headquartered in Western Pennsylvania, Fully Injected Motorsports provides professional grade press releases to multiple short track teams from all areas of the country.

Contact: altmeyer119@gmail.com / info@fullyinjected.com / www.fullyinjected.com
Twitter: @FI_Motorsports

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