2014 PPMS Schedule and Rules Adjustment!


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PPMS 2014 car rule adjustments:

Diehl of Robinson DIRTcar SUPER LATE MODEL
Open motor cars back to 38″ rear deck height, same as UMP/NDRL/WOO/Lucas. Spec & 525 at 40″.

Spec or 525 SLM may run 1425 or 1600 Hoosier tires at weekly shows. Open Cars must run 1600 tires at weekly shows. NDRL Shows will be NDRL Rules and tire rules.

Precise Racing RUSH Pro Lates, see 2014 RUSH Rules.

Sunoco Race Fuels DIRTcar Sportsman
Ed Laboon rules at all events except tires, 1600, 55, or LM40 Hoosiers only for weekly events.
All Sportsman Showdown events will have an open tire rule.

Miley BP DIRTcar Hobby Stocks
Low cost headers permitted in 2014.

Imperial Heights Garage DIRTcar Young Guns, same rules, newer body style cars may be permitted at the with existing motor options, must be approved by PPMS tech in advance.

Please email mmiley99@comcast.net for rules. Our webmaster is on the mend, so our website does not reflect these 2014 changes.

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