Danny Holtgraver Set To Visit Three Tracks in Three Days!
Danny Holtgraver in action at Lernerville Speedway in Sarver, Pennsylvania this past weekend – Rick Rarer Photo
By Tracy Fry – Pittsburgh, PA – Fully Injected’s Danny Holtgraver will head back to the heart of ‘Pennsylvania Posse’ territory in Central Pennsylvania this weekend in search of his first victory of the 2012 season. The Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania native will travel east with the All-Star Circuit of Champions for three nights of ‘410’ competition this weekend; beginning on Friday, April 27th, and concluding on Sunday, April 29th. “America’s Series” will take on the best that Pennsylvania has to offer, as a full-on All-Star invasion is set for Williams Grove Speedway, Port Royal Speedway, and Clinton County Raceway. All three events will offer at least $5,000 to the winner, full ‘National’ All-Star points, and All-Star ‘East Region’ points. Daryn Pittman is the current ‘East Region’ point leader.
The pilot of the Kargo Quality Cars and Trucks ‘D4’ is coming off of a very strong run at Lernerville Speedway in Sarver, Pennsylvania this past Friday night. The former track champion at the facility finished second to Fully Injected teammate, Kevin Schaeffer; losing the lead on a restart with just a few laps remaining. The runner-up finish at the Sarver, PA oval is the most recent result for the ‘D4’ team, as action on Saturday was cancelled due to Mother Nature. With momentum clearly on Holtgraver’s side, the weekend trek to Central Pennsylvania could be a successful one.
“We are excited to get back out there (Central PA) and race for the weekend” expressed Holtgraver when discussing weekend plans, “it’s just so tough to race out there and our confidence level is pretty high so we are looking to get some good runs…we are always excited to get back to Central Pennsylvania…the fans are awesome and the competition is stacked…just a great feeling to compete there and be a part of that atmosphere!”
Holtgraver’s weekend journey into the heart of ‘Pennsylvania Posse’ territory will begin at Williams Grove Speedway in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania on Friday, April 27th. From there, the Alternative Power Source sponsored team will venture north to Port Royal Speedway in Port Royal, Pennsylvania for the $10,000 to win/$500 to start Weikert Memorial. That event on Saturday, April 28th will be followed by a trip to Clinton County Raceway near Lock Haven, Pennsylvania on Sunday, April 29th. The Clinton County Raceway appearance will wrap up the weekend for the All-Star Circuit of Champions.
The weekend trip to Central Pennsylvania will not be the last for Danny Holtgraver and the All-Star Circuit of Champions, as the series makes appearances at Williams Grove Speedway, Lincoln Speedway, and Port Royal Speedway for the annual ‘Tuscarora 50’ later on in the season. For more information on the All-Star Circuit of Champions, check out www.allstarsprint.com!
Take the time to visit Danny Holtgraver at some point during the weekend and pick up one of his brand new shirts! He will have all of his 2012 merchandise for sale during the entire weekend.
Danny Holtgraver would like to thank all of his marketing partners including: Kargo Sales and Storage, Alternative Power Source, DKW Transport, PPI, Spinneweber Auto Sales, Bastin Truck Parts, West View Motors, Bagleys Auto Service, Frankland Rearends, Dan Taylor Racing, VRP Shocks, Kistler Engines, J&J Chassis, Butlerbuilt Seats, Zerowraps, www.fullyinjected.com.
Stay tuned during the entire season – right here at www.fullyinjected.com / or check out Danny Holtgraver’s online home at www.dannyholtgraver.com!